Our nursery staff will communicate with you every day to keep you fully informed of how your child is progressing at nursery.
In addition to this, your child’s progress will be uploaded onto their individual profile on Learning Journals.
You will also be informed about nursery news and events on the School App for Parents.
Learning Journals is a secure online platform where your child’s key worker will record your child’s learning, development, achievements and progress. This will be recorded as photographs, observations and stories which you can comment on and contribute to.
All learning and development will be linked to the curriculum or learning frameworks to allow you to follow your child’s progress across all areas of development. You can also upload your child’s achievements and learning from home. Your child’s keyworker will advise you how to create your Learning Journals account once your child starts at The Bruce Nursery.

In addition to Learning Journals, you will also be given information to download the School App for Parents.
All nursery news and events, including events and celebrations such as Parent’s Evenings, Stay and Play Sessions, Christmas events, lunch menus and events and learning in the playrooms such as the learning focus in the playrooms and extra learning through other special dates such as World Book Day, Kindness Day, Children’s Art Week and National Fitness Week.
You’ll find the dates section useful, so that you don’t miss anything that’s happening.